Danes 14.12.2008 se je zgodil prelet čez 500km

Ravnokar sem dobil SMS, da je Južno Afričan Nevil Hulett odletel 507km z jadralnim padalom. Vzletel je v zapuščenem mestecu Copertoon in pristal v Lesothu.


Geografsko, državi znotraj Južno Afriške Republike. Za primerjavo je to tako kot da bi letel od Portoroža do Dubrovnika in še naprej! To je sploh prvi prelet in rekord z jadralnim padalom čez 500km. Peter Ščuka pravi, da je včeraj letel 330km, da so bili danes utrujeni ter, da zaradi močnega vetra niso leteli. Ja, pa, da ima tip jajca. Z Marlijem sva se ravnokar pogovarjala po telefonu. Bravo, čestitke. To je novi mejnik v zgodovini Jadralnega padalstva! 

Danes sem izvedel, da je postavljen tudi novi rekord na cilj 405km…Podrobneje o poletu.


He wasn't part of our group. He's honestly lucky he didn't die. On the track log you will see once place where he got very low. James spoke to him about the flight and he said he got rotored 140m above the group and completely lost control of the wing. He nearly threw his reserve and the wind on the ground was more than 20knts. To add to the shit he had no radio and his retrieve driver had no maps of the area. If he crashed somewhere nobody would have found him… The risks he took were uncalculated. Anyway he is still the first person to fly 500km. Can't believe it.
Dropped Peter off at the airport today. Just got back home to Joburg. Cool 🙂   Cheers